Legal Awards 2020

6 | SME NEWS - Legal Awards 2020 Yet, for all of its focus on being the lowest priced law firm in the country, Ikbal Solicitors boasts more knowledge and experience than many others, even for one so young. Managing Director Cameron brings seven degrees to the table, which is almost unheard of. Armed with six master’s degrees, his extensive level of education and knowledge regarding various different areas of the law. Clients can rest easy in the knowledge that they are well and truly in good hands with Cameron, drawing on his vast wealth of legal acumen and educational knowledge to bring about successful resolutions in his cases. Whether other competitors charge higher rates for the same work, Cameron’s service is humble in price and exceptional in delivering results. In doing so, Ikbal Solicitors continues to make it difficult for its competitors to prove why their costs are so extremely high. Both Cameron and the entire team at Ikbal Solicitors maintain that exceptional level of delivering results based on Cameron’s extensive legal knowledge, but never at the expense of the client. Legal matters should never put a client in a financially compromised position, and Ikbal Solicitors exemplifies this excellently. Should a client come to a solicitor in times of need, how can that law firm profit from their misery? Ikbal Solicitors does not, instead looking to provide a low legal fee avenue that allows them to overcome their difficulties. Therein lies the most rewarding aspect of working in the legal profession, especially at Ikbal Solicitors: helping clients. As it puts people before profits, the team’s happiness and satisfaction comes from being there for clients in their time of need. Everyone has faced some legal issue at one time or another, and some feel that they might have been overcharged or should have had a chance to negotiate the fee. At Ikbal Solicitors, there is no such reflection. Rather, Cameron and the team are all too happy to provide clients with the opportunity to propose the per hour fee for their work. Ultimately, as long as the client is happy, so too is the team at Ikbal Solicitors. Making people happy is the key service at Ikbal Solicitors, and for that reason, there is no discrimination when it comes to the hiring process. Recognising that C-grade students sometimes become industry leaders, Cameron understands that talent is important, and that sometimes grades do not reflect that talent. Taking each new hire or potential hire on their own merits and challenges, Ikbal Solicitors provides opportunities to people based upon hard work, keeping in mind that the difficulties they have faced should not be held against them or prevent them from being hired. Everyone that applies for a role at the firm is given an equal opportunity, and those that are hired are given an enormous amount of trust to prove themselves. However, for all the outstanding work that Cameron and the entire team at Ikbal Solicitors are doing, there are still developments and challenges that the legal profession faces. Arguably one of the biggest and most significant challenges that the legal profession faces is high legal fees. Partners at law firms can charge excessive amounts that are impossibly high for those who are weak, vulnerable, wronged, or in the minority. It is those individuals that Ikbal Solicitors seeks to advocate for. The firm’s very existence is based around the understanding that it wishes to make a difference, changing the profession in order to make it more accessible and cheaper for those who need it most. As the lowest price law firm in the country, it is overcoming these challenges at a faster rate than any other. Where there was once a challenge in the form of competition and acquiring new clients, there is now no such thing. Having established itself as a law firm synonymous with helping clients for lower costs, clients have raced to be involved with Ikbal Solicitors. Offering a wide range of specialisations, there is no reason for clients not to be involved with the firm. In terms of future challenges that the firm will seek to overcome just as easily will be balancing time between resolving issues and completing administrative tasks. Also, just as other firms are doing, Ikbal Solicitors will also be looking at developments in technology in order to further aid the firm in helping more people. Looking to the future, there is a wealth of exciting potential that Cameron has envisioned for Ikbal Solicitors. Where once his vision extended to simply creating a law firm that served the people, now that vision has expanded greatly to include more offices, a free legal clinic, and a mentoring programme. What began with a desire to give back to the town of Oldham has since evolved into a game-changing law firm that constantly goes above and beyond in its servitude of other people, assisting them with legal issues and offering hope. Now in the process of opening a free legal clinic, Ikbal Solicitors is seeking to carry out certain tasks for free for the people of Oldham, as a way of cementing its commitment to the community and assisting in the best way it knows how. The soon-to-be-starting mentoring programme will also seek to provide the youth of Oldham with an insight of what to expect in a law firm, and get youth away from the gang culture that has spread through the community. Ultimately, Ikbal Solicitors is so much more than just an exceptional and outstanding law firm that offers the lowest prices in the country. It is a source of hope for many people, knowing that someone truly has their back and wants to see them succeed without breaking the bank to do so. Seeing it as a duty to help people, the story of Cameron and Ikbal Solicitors may only just be beginning, but it is already one that people will be talking about for years to come. Contact Details Ikbal Solicitors, Ikbal House, 4 Top Street, Oldham, OL4 2DR Email: Telephone: 0161 221 4552 Company: Ikbal Solicitors Contact: Cameron Iqbal Website: