Midlands Enterprise Awards 2020

52 | Midlands Enterprise Awards 2020 Sep20287 Most Innovative Energy Saving Coatings Design Company - UK Possessing extensive experience in the coatings industry, Blocksil is the leading innovator in their space. When there is a client with a problem which requires a coating-based solution, Blocksil can utilise their expertise to decide which coating would be appropriate and supply a relevant product. They also excel in improving a coating’s performance when a client who already has a coating is unsure how to progress. Blocksil’s work also extends to R&D, which they are constantly working on. This includes both developing new coatings and improving existing ones with the intention of finding a market for them. Additionally, they create and manage supply chains on behalf of clients. Blocksil’s mission is to, “Break new ground and take coating and paint technology as far forward as possible.” Blocksil has developed a multitude of revolutionary products, such as their graphene enhanced coating for industrial steel roof refurbishment and structural steel protection. The coating has 11,800 hours of performance against salt spray and has passed roof and rail industry fire tests, making it considerably more advanced than any other similar coating available. Blocksil are also working on an anti-contamination nano coating which will, “degrade organic contamination of any sort.” The coating is only 0.002mm thick and transparent, making it suitable for a variety of substrates. Its photocatalytic anti-contamination properties will also mean it is effectively self-cleaning, reducing energy spent on cleaning the surface. At a time when decontamination is of utmost importance, this product would be priceless to facilities of all kinds. Alongside their pioneering spirit for innovation, Blocksil strive to deliver unrivalled customer care. They take pride in providing quality solutions and enjoy working with their clients to do so. Guy Williams, Managing Director of Blocksil said, “Customer service is and always will be important. Going the extra mile may be a cliché, but clients remember the effort you put in to help them out.” Every staff member is experienced in customer service and the company is close- knit internally, meaning that enthusiasm and passion comes as second nature. All employees at Blocksil share a common goal of growing the business through client satisfaction and high- performance coatings. Additionally, the company can develop solutions which take into consideration both function and aesthetics. Their highly efficient Therma-Light thermal barrier coating significantly reduces heat or cold being transmitted through it. Therma- Light can easily be overcoated with a decorative colour, which means that the coating can abide by corporate clients’ colour schemes, even when using darker colours. Being accomplished experts in the coating industry, Blocksil are conscious to develop their products based on the sector’s environmental conservation needs. This includes reusable packaging, novel transportation methods and easily disposed of unwanted coating. Blocksil are the consultant of choice when in need of a coating or paint solution. Not only do they develop efficient and high-performance solutions, but they also consider how the environment is affected. Through dedication and unity of company culture, Blocksil provide customer care and innovation which is second to none. Even with the limitations that recent events have presented for the coatings industry, the company continues to develop coating technology to its furthest extent. Contact: Guy Williams Company: Blocksil Limited Web Address: www.blocksil.co.uk Blocksil is a coatings and paints Innovator, developer, and supplier. They cater to a range of industrial clients in sectors such as the Roofing, Construction, Rail, Telecoms, Energy and Maritime industries. Winners of “Most Innovative Energy Saving Coatings Design Company – UK” in the 2020 UK SME Midlands Enterprise Awards, Blocksil harnesses their expertise to provide client-focused solutions.

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