Northern Enterprise Awards 2023

Supporting Choice Limited began life in 2019, founded for the purposes of providing domiciliary care support. At this time, Richard Oldale was managing a satellite campus in Scarborough, which delivered employability support to young adults with EHCPs. When the pandemic hit in early 2020, Richard and four of his colleagues were made redundant. Upon realising that many of their previous learners would struggle in the alternative provisions that were mooted, they decided to set up training provisions under the Supporting Choice banner. Once this group of young adults had been seen through their final years, more opportunities arose. Today, more than thirty young adults work with the company. We catch up with Richard, who tells us more about the business and its noble mission to help learners with challenges such as autism. Best Neurodiversity Supported Learning Programmes Company 2023 – North East Supporting Choice Limited finds itself in the successful position it does today thanks to a combination of hard work and partnerships - parents, carers, and placement providers. The Supporting Choice team works alongside these, and this has enabled them to partner with the local authority in order to operate successful training programmes. They work co-operatively with other providers in order to ensure that learners are afforded the best possible chance of success. The team are proud that the North boasts an extensive choice for education and employability development for these learners. Within the industry at present, shifts are largely geared towards an increasing amount of people requiring additional support as they enter post-sixteen provisions, including those social and emotional mental health needs. As Richard explains, “We are looking to develop our provision so we can offer targeted and structured support to this cohort of learners.” Another shift is an increasing appreciation of the incredible benefits of Supported Internships. The sector has subsequently received more funding and support to increase awareness of these programmes, and thus more companies are open to providing internships to young people. These Supported Internships include unpaid work placements, which are at least six months long, as well as the support of a qualified job coach, personalised study programmes and English and Maths to a recognised standard. This level of education and experience is vital in securing a future for young people. In Supporting Choice’s first three full years of operation, fourteen interns have been supported, with nine securing employed roles, two going into further education, and three moving into supported volunteer positions. Looking ahead to the 2024 intake of interns, Richard is confident that they will attain similarly successful outcomes. He attributes this success to a combination of the learners’ determination, alongside the support of those involved in the work placement, and its mentors, as well as the solid foundations in the form of family and care providers. Much of the very fabric of the business stems from its roots in the North, as the lack of investment opportunities afforded when compared with the South have resulted in what Richard describes as “a resilience and a drive to maximise the limitations that we find ourselves in at times.” Offsetting this hardship is the friendliness of people in the North, which for Richard “makes tough days easier.” Another way in which the company has promoted success is through its internal culture, which thrives on lived experience and a true drive to provide learners with the best possible opportunity for sustained success. Compassion, understanding, and empathy are essential, and as Richard explains, “Yes, we have relevant qualifications within the staff team including degrees, Masters, specialist employability and teaching qualifications, but without the humanity inherent in our team, we would not be where we are now. Nicely finishing this off, is a sense of humour, is mandatory.” As for the future of Supporting Choice Limited, there is a keen focus on continuing to support learners beyond the intern stage, to ensure they end up in employed positions. Those staying with the company into the future can expect ongoing support and development opportunities, not only in terms of employability, but also in the life skills necessary to thrive. This is all underpinned by continual investment in staff development, so as to better serve the needs of learners into the future. Richard summarises, “We feel very privileged for the opportunity we have to work with and for some absolutely fantastic learners. Every day is a learning day for us.” Contact Details Contact: Richard Oldale Company: Supporting Choice Limited Web Address: