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Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters,
1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent
Staffordshire, DE14 1LS

Winner of the UK Enterprise Awards.

Festoon Uk

Festoon Uk is one of the 2018 winners of the SME UK Enterprise Awards.

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About Festoon Uk

Festoon Uk

Award for Excellence in Interactive Talks

Festoon UK has been delivering lectures since 2012 at University level Lecturer with down to earth humour through three speaker sessions to Membership organisations:

1.    Introduction to Gemstones

2.    Hallmarking Gold & Silver

3.    History of Jewels

Fascinating, well-rehearsed & planned talks in one-hour sessions take place throughout Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire where we encourage audience participation involving:

•   diamond testing

•   ring sizing

•   fact and folk law, properties and formation.

•   How to test Silver & Gold

•   Visual, audio and practical activities during all sessions.

10% donation from sales are made to registered charity groups.


Tel: 01923 231660

Festoon Uk

Award for Excellence in Interactive Talks

Festoon UK has been delivering lectures since 2012 at University level Lecturer with down to earth humour through three speaker sessions to Membership organisations:

1.    Introduction to Gemstones

2.    Hallmarking Gold & Silver

3.    History of Jewels

Fascinating, well-rehearsed & planned talks in one-hour sessions take place throughout Hertfordshire, Middlesex, Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire where we encourage audience participation involving:

•   diamond testing

•   ring sizing

•   fact and folk law, properties and formation.

•   How to test Silver & Gold

•   Visual, audio and practical activities during all sessions.

10% donation from sales are made to registered charity groups.


Tel: 01923 231660
