UK Legal Awards 2023

26 | UK Legal Awards 2023 Mar23285 Leading Providers of Will Writing & LPA Preparation Services 2023 Strong Wills was established in 2015, after its founder, Samantha Strong started a family and quickly realised the importance of having a will and lasting powers of attorney prepared. Its services are designed for busy people that want advice and help in setting up these important documents at a time that suits them. Preparing a will or a power of attorney is often avoided by many. People find the subjects uncomfortable and upsetting, and on top of that, the amount of information available can be extremely overwhelming which leads people to put off the process. Strong Wills is a bespoke will writing and power of attorney preparation service, designed to take away the fear and confusion that surrounds these subjects. Strong Wills takes a caring and holistic approach when guiding its clients through the process. From the beginning stages they are welcomed by Lindsay who ensures that they have all the information they need when booking in, and if any questions arise, she is more than happy to help. As the process begins, Samantha makes sure to ease and discuss all worries, uncertainties, and concerns that clients may have. Once specifics have been established, the draft documents are prepared, and when finished Samantha goes through them with the client to ensure that everything is accurate. She explains, “I want to educate and empower my clients and take them on the journey with me, rather than simply giving them my advice and expecting them just to listen to me because I am the professional. I am not happy signing off on a document until my client tells me they understand and are satisfied with all the contents.” Samantha aims to ensure that all clients feel heard and supported throughout. She loves being able to use her legal expertise and training to help clients look after their families. Legal processes can be daunting and confusing, so having Strong Wills’ help makes a huge difference. It provides clients with a peace of mind like no other as they know if the worst was to happen, their families will be well taken care of. The approach that it uses is praised by its clients, as one shares, “Our wills and lasting power of attorney documents were prepared for us by Strong Wills. Samantha took us through all our options, answered our questions, and explained the implications of all the legal jargon. A very helpful and professional service. We would highly recommend.” Ultimately, it’s clear to see how Strong Wills has come to receive the award of Leading Providers of Will Writing & LPA Preparation Services 2023, and now Samantha’s sights are set on the bright future ahead with plans of becoming more visible on social media to speak on subjects that she is passionate about. To find out more about Strong Wills services and the projects that are currently in the pipeline, head over to its website. Company: Strong Wills Web Address: