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Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters,
1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent
Staffordshire, DE14 1LS

Winner of the Welsh Enterprise Awards.

Osprey sUAS

Osprey sUAS is one of the 2022 winners of the SME Welsh Enterprise Awards.

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About Osprey sUAS

Best Commercial Aerial Drone Services Provider 2022

<p>Aerial Drone Surveys &#038; Mapping</p> <p>Osprey sUAS are CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) approved OA for &#8216;Specific&#8217; Commercial Flights and Fully Insured up to £20M.</p> <p>?</p> <p>Providing Aerial Mapping &#038; Photogrammetry, Aerial Surveys &#038; Inspections, Thermal Drone Surveys &#038; Inspections.Our Aerial Drone Works offer a quicker, safer, cost-effective, and greener footprint than alternative methods.</p> <p>To date &#8216;Osprey sUAS&#8217; have carried out all aerial works with ZERO downtime on sites or safety issues.</p>
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