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Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters,
1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent
Staffordshire, DE14 1LS

Posted 24th December 2020

Q4 2020

This year has certainly tested the capabilities of business across the UK, from all sectors, regardless of their size. Whilst there have been challenging times which have unfortunately resulted in businesses shutting their doors for good, there has also been countless moments where companies have excelled all expectations.

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q4 2020.

Q4 2020

Welcome to the Q4 issue of SME News Magazine, providing you with all of the latest news, announcements and features about up-and-coming enterprises across the UK.

This year has certainly tested the capabilities of business across the UK, from all sectors, regardless of their size. Whilst there have been challenging times which have unfortunately resulted in businesses shutting their doors for good, there has also been countless moments where companies have excelled all expectations. This bumper issue, we celebrate a diverse group of businesses who have had remarkable success in recent times, as well as showcasing how they have overcome the obstacles this year has created.

For example, we take a closer look at APeducation Online which is a UK-based skills development institute and consultancy proving training, assessment, and credentials in professional development, vocational training, and higher education qualifications. The recent pandemic has created new trends in the way we work, and APeducation Online have identified and addressed these trends in meaningful ways.

This is just a sample of what features in this bumper edition. But, for now, I hope you have a safe yet wonderful Christmas. See you next time in our Q1 edition in 2021!

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