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Ground Floor, Suites B-D, The Maltsters,
1-2 Wetmore Road, Burton upon Trent
Staffordshire, DE14 1LS

Winner of the Midlands Enterprise Awards.

Thrive Learning Limited

Thrive Learning Limited is one of the 2020 winners of the SME Midlands Enterprise Awards.

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About Thrive Learning Limited

Leading Innovators of Organisation Learning Experiences 2020

<p>THRIVE LXP is the ultimate learning and communication platform that helps teams innovate training, improve communication and increase employee engagement.</p> <p>We use next generation technology to empower busy businesses to continuously learn, stay ahead of digital transformation and thrive at work.</p> <p>Our Learning Experience Platform and Elearning Catalogue of 170+ microlearning modules are already helping teams around the world upskill, connect and collaborate, including Sky, DECIEM, AO, Nandos, Morrisons, Krispy Kreme, Brakes and Sumo Digital.</p> <p>hello@thrivelearning.com<br /> https://www.thrivelearning.com/</p>
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